About Sloane:

I’m Sloane and I’ve always tended to live life a little differently and struggle with that place between my ears. I always tried to better understand how to manage what was going on inside my mind. I wanted to stay who I was, but feel safe inside my own skin again.

There was a time my chaos scared me, and being stuck in the darkness wore on me. Now I love my chaos.  Each quirk makes me unique, yes I refer to my symptoms as quirks.  Symptoms is much too serious and has a negative feeling. Although this illness can be difficult to live with I try to find the beauty in it, and make light of the way I experience life.  

I’ve found ways to live life with my mental illness and to truly experience being human. 

There are so many  struggling in silence.  I struggled for years, so many years all on my own. Feeling as though I was crazy, and had lost my mind.  Often unable to figure out who I was each day.  There was the overwhelming fog that covered my eyes and made me feel unworthy of being living.

I’m on the other side now, to share a message, to remind you, that this life is always for you. 

Here you will find stories from my life and what it means to live beyond your mind.  

In these posts you will find inspiration and support that you ARE NOT ALONE.  

You’ll start owning your life. 

Welcome to my crazy world. 

I am crazy, but I own it and embrace it to live a vibrant life.